The use of Universal Ports, will also allow runtime scalability in terms of number of calls to the ESB. 通用端口的使用也在对ESB的调用数量方面带来了运行时可伸缩性。
The caching example showed that reducing the number of calls must be carefully employed. 高速缓存实例显示了必需谨慎使用减少远程调用的数量。
Reduce number of calls to spatial functions 减少对空间函数的调用
The number of calls to the objects and the number of lines of code that must be execute to achieve the desired result gives us an idea of the serious processing required to achieve the desired result. 对于这些对象的调用数目,以及为取得期望结果必须执行的代码行数,让我们了解要取得期望结果需要进行多么重大的处理。
Truss returns a list of the system calls, the total time spent executing the call, the number of calls, and any errors found. truss返回系统调用的列表、执行调用耗费的总时间、调用的次数和任何发现的问题。
A few APIs can have significant influence over the performance of the parser, as a parse of a single-instance document might make a significant number of calls to these functions. 一些API对解析器的性能有重大影响,因为对具有单一实例的文档进行解析可能会大量调用这些函数。
The number of calls is reduced, but each call in itself retrieves a lot of data that is never used. 调用数量减少了,但是每个调用本身检索了大量毫无用处的数据。
Has the selected mechanism met the performance of the system in terms of expected number of calls, desired response times? 根据预期的调用数量、理想的响应时间,已选择的机制满足系统性能要求吗?
This view provides exact information about the number of calls to methods, time spent in methods only, time spent and memory accumulated in selected methods and all their descendants, and so on. 这一视图提供了关于方法调用总数,方法的时间花费,所选方法的时间花费和内存积聚,及其全部派生的准确信息。
The design trades the number of calls for the amount of data transferred. 这个设计用调用的数量与数据传输量做交易。
When you need to reduce the number of calls further, you can employ caching techniques where applicable in the calling application. 当需要进一步减少调用的数量时,可以在调用应用程序中适当采用高速缓存技术。
When performance is critical, it is best to limit the number of calls to the Rule Execution Server. 当性能很关键时,最好限制对RuleExecutionServer的调用量。
In some cases, you probably make almost the same number of calls& it's just that you're doing these other things ( texting, etc.) even more. 在某些情况下,你可能打相同通数的电话&这只是因为你甚至更多地选择去做其他的事(文本信息,等)。
The number of calls received by Mr Beaumont has fallen from between 20 and 30 a month to just 13 last month. 他每月接到的电话数量从以前的20到30个掉到了上个月的13通。
The number of calls we got skyrocketed. 我们接到的电话数量剧增。
The report relates the percentage of computers each company shipped to the number of calls to the RESCUECOM repair hotline over a three month period. 这份报告统计了过去三个月内通过RESCUECOM公司的维修服务热线报修的各种品牌电脑产品的报修次数。
Keep a record of who calls, how often and why? If several calls could be consolidated into one, negotiate with the caller to limit the number of calls. 为所有的电话保持一份记录,多久?为什么?如果几个电话有可能变成一个的话,就和打电话的人谈一下来限制电话数量。
In the current uncertain climate they are also receiving a greater number of calls from investors who want more detailed information about how their money is invested and the implications of that allocation. 在目前不确定的环境下,他们还接到了更多来自投资者的电话,希望更详细地了解其资金是如何投资的,以及这种资金配置的用意。
It added that the number of calls showed no sign of abating. 它补充说,如今来电数量未显示出减少的迹象。
There've been a number of calls for stricter building regulations in Kenya following similar collapses in recent years. 近几年,肯尼亚发生了几次类似的倒塌时间后,官方曾经多次呼吁加强建筑监管条例。
These statistics include the number of calls to each subroutine and the total amount of time spent within each. 统计数据包括调用每个子程序的次数和用去的。
Trace directory services and database calls, with the ability to review the number of calls to a given method. 跟踪目录服务和数据库调用,能够以给定的方法检查调用数量。
This approach also limits the number of users migrated to a new platform and thus reduces the number of calls to the help desk by new users. 此方法还将限制迁移到新平台的用户数,从而减少新用户向帮助中心求助的次数。
Because a SIP Trunk is not a physical connection, there is no explicit limit on the number of calls that can be carried over a single trunk. 因为一个SIP中继不是物理连接,也没有就可以在一个单一的电话号码进行明确的主干限制。
Each call consumes a certain amount of network bandwidth, so the number of calls is limited by the amount of bandwidth that can flow between the IP PBX and the provider's equipment. 每个调用都会消耗一定量的网络带宽,所以电话的数量是有限的带宽,可以流动之间的IPPBX和供应商的设备的数量。
The total number of calls to get size. 获取大小的调用总数。
Total number of calls from browse clients to this print server to request network browse lists since last restart. 自从上次重新启动后,从浏览客户端向这台打印服务器请求的网络浏览列表总次数。
Total number of calls from other print servers to add shared network printers to this server since last restart. 自从上次重新启动后,从其他打印服务器向这台服务器要求添加共享网络打印机的调用总数。
So we see that I've doubled the size of the vector but I've much more than doubled the number of calls. 所以我们看到我,把向量的大小翻倍了,但是我调用的次数,不仅仅是翻倍了。